We will enjoy a healthy snack each day. Please send a healthy snack for your child to enjoy. We do not allow juice at snack time as we are only allowed 10-15 min for a small 1 item snack, in order to keep up with our curriculum to allow ample learning time.
Please label your child's snack with your child's name!
Ex: granola bars, cheez-its, fruit snacks, fruit, vegetables, string cheese, crackers, cereal bars, etc.
Nap Time:
We will take a nap from 12:00-1:15 every afternoon to rest our bodies and get ready for an afternoon of learning. We do not allow blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals during nap time because of the potential spread of head lice. Regardless of socio-economic status, race & ethnicity head lice can affect all of us and would cause a disruption in our learning environment. We share shelves for nap mats and cubbies for backpacks so even if we kept the blankets in our backpacks there is still a high potential for the spread of head lice. My first priority is the safety, well being and health of each of my students there for I must ask that we do not use these items at nap time.
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