Tuesday, November 27, 2012

WOW has it been busy around here let’s see where did we leave off? SEPTEMBER, Yikes I am so sorry! 
We adopted a football player and learned about community helpers and we were getting ready for our first field trip to the pumpkin patch and then I had to leave for maternity leave.
We made a sign for our Bulldog Boys!
We learned about different Community Helpers

We were so exctied about the Pumpkin Patch!
But Mrs. Kitchen couldn't go with us because she had to go have her BABY!
I am very excited to announce
the birth of our sweet blessing
Lily Claire
born Oct. 22, 7 lbs 9 oz and 21
½ in long

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Sneek Peek at our 3rd Week!


Our commitment this week is:
We will keep our eyes on the teacher
Our destressor technique is:
The Drain
Arms out in front and clinch your fists and tighten the muscles in your arms, scrunch your shoulders to your ears and squeeeeeze tight!
Now open your fists and say:
like the water is draining out of the tub
and let your upset feelings drain out!

We are still focusing on the letters in our name, so please continue to send a clean label that starts with your child’s name!

In Math we are focusing on the color Orange and the square shape.  We are also sorting things by color, shape and size.

In Science this week we are learning
about our 5 senses
Monday: I can see with my eyes
Tuesday: I can smell with my nose
Wednesday: I can hear with my ears
Thursday: I can taste with my tongue
Friday: I can feel with my hands
On Thursday We will be using our tongue to taste 3 different types of apples and then we will graph which one is our favorite!

This is our completed graph! 
In Workstations we are exploring the station and focusing on cleaning up the station correctly!

At Orange Beehive we can explore, scoop and rake the packing peanuts, making sure to pick up the ones we drop on the floor.
At Yellow Beehive we can explore play-dough with tools, making sure to pick up the play-dough we drop on the floor and putting the lid back on so that it won't dry out.

At  Blue Beehive we can quietly read a book in the class library, making sure to use our magic finger to gently turn the page so we don't rip it.

At Pink Beehive we can play pretend in the home center, but we have to be sure to clean up when we are done.

At Brown Beehive we are using our fine motor skills to put pegs, buttons and 3d shapes back in the right jars using tweezers.

At Purple Beehive we are using our large motor skills to build with blocks but we have to make sure we are using safe hands with our blocks.

At Green Beehive we are using our ABC skills to put together an ABC puzzle

At Red Beehive we are using our listening skills to listen to a story on CD
At the horseshoe table we are working with Mrs. Kitchen on the letters in our name, we are practicing our rainbow writing, and on Wednesday we will be making a paint dot paper plate letter of what our name starts with, then on Thursday and Friday we will make our own name puzzle.

At lightbulb station we go down to the center room with Mrs. Bell and work on letters and use the computers.

A look back at last week!


Classroom Commitments & Destressor
Our commitment for the week was to use our listening ears and follow directions and by the end of the week we were helping each other to do what the teacher or grown-up tells you to do. Our destressor technique was the balloon, and we know that whenever we feel angry, upset scared or sad we can puff up our pretend balloon and then let all the air out and it helps us to relax.
Phonemic Awareness
We are learning all about the letters in our name and on Friday we brought food labels to put on our environmental print word wall that start with the same letter as our name.  We sang our name song for each person that brought an item:
B_____ starts with B
B_____ starts with B
her name is B_____
her name starts with B
And then we pinned her brownie label under the letter “B”
We are also becoming good early readers by learning the parts of the book, we know the front back and spine that we learned the first week and now we know what part of the book is the words and what part is the pictures.

Work Stations
We have started learning how to do a work station, clean up and transition to our next station so that we can learn in our small groups at the horseshoe table! On Friday we learned about our journals and how to use them during morning journal time.
We went the Garrison High School Pep-Rally, we met the Garrison Bulldog, and her name is Tiby! We saw the football players, cheerleaders, band and twirlers it was a lot of fun!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

 22  Pre-k’ers and I have had a great week of getting to know each other and learning rules and procedures.  We focused on using safe hands and gentle touches as part of our conscious discipline.  At the end of each day if you had kept your commitment to use safe hands and gentle touches you got to shout “I DID IT” and then we all clapped to celebrate your success!

We also are learning what it means to line up and stay in line as well as how to sit criss cross apple sauce hands in our lap!

Our favorite times of the week were:
Learning how to work in centers and clean up centers because after that we got practice working in them and
We stayed at our own centers and we even cleaned up our centers! Mrs. Kitchen is very proud of us!

We also like lunch & recess!

Look We Made Art Work for the Hall:
We are learning to recognize our names and so we used our colors to rainbow write our names and we hung them in the hallway!

We have had a fun and busy first week!
Enjoy your 3 day weekend and I will see you all on TUESDAY SEPT 4th

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wow! Meet the teacher was a success I met most of the students that will be in my class. Monday will be here before we know it and the 2012-2013 school year will commence! I am so excited to get to introduce this bunch of precious Pre-K’ers to their first experience of school.
Check out some Photo's from our Classroom!


Monday, July 16, 2012


Wow I can’t believe we are almost finished with Summer already! It's time to start making a classroom plan and get myself geared up for another school year! This will be my 5th year of teaching...time is just flyin by seems like only yesterday I was moving into my first classroom in McKinney Tx, I was the girl who decided she was not coming back to East Texas I was going to face the big city of Dallas... Well lets just say I am a small town girl who gave it a good year in the city and packed up as fast as I could leaving a trail of dust and came back to East Texas. Took a job at Sabine Elementary (teacher heaven) and fell back in love with teaching and education and realized after that experience in Dallas there is a huge rite of passage in your first year of teaching and I earned my teaching crown for sure! Within my first year at Sabine I married the love of my life and moved to Nacogdoches and begged him not to make me move my career just yet so...

I have been teaching Kindergarten the last 3 years at Sabine Elementary an hour away from home.  This year Lance and I  found out the day after Valentines Day that we are expecting our FIRST BABY GIRL in October! We are very excited; but this meant that the commute from Nacogdoches to Gladewater everyday just was no longer an option, an hour to work and an hour home with a new baby just wouldn’t have been good for anyone.  So I sadly said my goodbyes and packed up my things and took a job closer to home in Garrison. I will be teaching Pre-K this year, I am excited and anxious all in one! I had a district class website at Sabine and it worked wonderfully however, Garrison is a bit smaller and we don’t have that option; but I like the idea of being able to add and create my own online space for my classroom stuff, thus the reason for this blog! Please take a look around but keep in mind I am new at this and would love any input and ideas!