commitment this week is:
We will keep our eyes on the teacher
Our destressor technique is:
The Drain
Arms out in front and clinch your fists and tighten the muscles in your
arms, scrunch your shoulders to your ears and squeeeeeze tight!
Now open your fists and say:
like the water is draining out of the tub
and let your upset feelings drain out!
We are
still focusing on the letters in our name, so please continue to send a clean
label that starts with your child’s name!
In Math
we are focusing on the color Orange and the square shape. We are also sorting things by color, shape
and size.
Science this week we are learning
about our 5 senses
Monday: I can see with my eyes
Tuesday: I can smell with my nose
Wednesday: I can hear with my ears
Thursday: I can taste with my tongue
Friday: I can feel with my hands
Thursday We will be using our tongue to taste 3 different types of apples and
then we will graph which one is our favorite!
This is our completed graph!
In Workstations we are exploring the station and focusing on cleaning up the station correctly!
At Orange Beehive we can explore, scoop and rake the packing peanuts, making sure to pick up the ones we drop on the floor.
At Yellow Beehive we can explore play-dough with tools, making sure to pick up the play-dough we drop on the floor and putting the lid back on so that it won't dry out.
At Blue Beehive we can quietly read a book in the class library, making sure to use our magic finger to gently turn the page so we don't rip it.
At Pink Beehive we can play pretend in the home center, but we have to be sure to clean up when we are done.
At Brown Beehive we are using our fine motor skills to put pegs, buttons and 3d shapes back in the right jars using tweezers.
At Purple Beehive we are using our large motor skills to build with blocks but we have to make sure we are using safe hands with our blocks.
At Green Beehive we are using our ABC skills to put together an ABC puzzle
At Red Beehive we are using our listening skills to listen to a story on CD
At the horseshoe table we are working with Mrs. Kitchen on the letters in our name, we are practicing our rainbow writing, and on Wednesday we will be making a paint dot paper plate letter of what our name starts with, then on Thursday and Friday we will make our own name puzzle.
At lightbulb station we go down to the center room with Mrs. Bell and work on letters and use the computers.